As a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America, we hold to the Westminster Confession of Faith. For more information on that document and our denomination, you can follow this link, but you can also find a quick overview of who we are below.
We are a Christian Church
We believe that humanity has been separated from the eternal, infinite, Triune God by our sin, and now justly his anger. However, because Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, took on flesh to live, die, and be raised for us, we can be reconciled to God. Jesus bridges the gap between us and God by being perfectly rigtheous for us, dying for our sins, and being raised to overthrow even death itself. In him, we are declared rightoues, made more and more like the God in whose image we were made, and given the right to call God our Father. These gifts are applied to us by the work of the Holy Spirit.
We are an Evangelical Church
The word "evangelical" often feels like it can mean anything so it ultimately means nothing, but it has historically been connected to a certain set of beliefs! When we say we are evangelical, we mean that we place a high value on the Bible; it is the inerrant, infallible Word of God which directs our faith and practice. It also means we are shamelessly focused on the person and work of Jesus; the work of Christ in his perfectly righeous life and his death on the cross is the center of our faith so we want to make much what he has accomplished for us. Additionally we are evangelistic because we hope to see people forgiven and reconciled to God by his grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Finally, it means we seek to serve our neighbors who are made in the image of the God we love.
We are a Reformed Church
At it's absolute simplest, this means we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, by Christ alone, according to Scripture alone as our only infallible authority, for the glory of God alone. We believe that for us to turn to Jesus in faith, the eternal, infinite God against whom we have sinned must first move toward us in grace. He does not save and love us for anything we have done, could do, or will do, but simply because he is good and has chosen to love us. To be Reformed also means a great deal about how we think of baptism and the Lord's Supper, congregational worship, and many other things outlined in our statement of beliefs, the Westminster Confession of Faith, so feel free to check its chapters for the subject that interests you. If you have any questions, we would love for you to contact us!
We are a Presbyterian Church
This refers to how we believe the Bible teaches the Church should be structured. We are connected to the other PCA churches in our region, known as a presbytery. Our presbytery, made up of the elected pastors and elders from each church, meets every quarter, and all the presbyteries meet once a year at the General Assembly. Each church elects its own pastors and elders who are accountable to each other, to the presbytery, and to our General Assembly. No one at any point is meant to have unchecked authority or be away from meaningful accountability because we believe Jesus Christ alone is the king and head of his Church.